Deliberating housing questions

I’m having a hard time deciding on where to live next. The options are many, the prices and quality vary dramatically, and the good ones get snapped up before I can even call. Then there are considerations like distance from school, from the grocery store, any gyms/yoga studios nearby, not to mention will I be listening and waking up to train noise or motorway (interstate) noise all the time. I’m really loving village life here in Detling, moving into Maidstone will be quite a change.

Last week I thought I found the perfect thing, after combing through every website I could find. Then when I called I discovered that one had rented months ago. So some websites can’t be trusted.

The one that is currently in the lead is also a good 30-40 minute bike ride each way to school. It’s very close to shopping and entertainment. It also had hardwood, all new appliances, and a private deck and backyard, utilities included! Do I want to be such a hardcore biker? That’s a big commitment. Time to check out the bus routes!

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