Yachats, OR

After we made it back home to Eugene it was time to reset, regroup, repack. We finally got to put down our luggage, what a relief! After jet-setting with 3 very large bags plus carry-ons, the difference was dramatic. We spent a week doing laundry, sorting, resting, and visiting. Then we packed up small packs and moved out to the coast house. Thanks LL!


The spring weather was cooler than I anticipated, but after the tropics, sitting home with a fire in the wood stove, watching the rain fall with a bowl of popcorn and a book was a good way to go. We got several breaks with crisp, clear weather to walk the short amble to the beach. The photos are from the nearest beach, where the water has carved out large spaces beneath the rocks, and as the tide comes in shoots water into the air. The view was great, and I even saw a seal lion one day!

The rocky beaches always feel like home. Nothing reminds me quite so much of my paternal grandparents. As a kid we spent time with them every summer, and usually at the coast. Lincoln City, Tillamook, Newport. And I’m sure we drove through Yachats more than once. Digging holes to China. Dipping our toes, my sister holding me back and reminding me that waves can sweep you out at any moment.  Happy meals in the backseat of their Honda. Golden days.

We spent a good deal of our indoor time browsing used cars online. After a couple of days and narrowing it down to a shortlist, I quickly discovered just how unpleasant banking from across an ocean can be. I spent the next 10 days regularly visiting an ATM and making midnight calls to the UK. Ultimately things got sorted and an addition was made to the family: Varys, a shiny blue 2-door Yaris!

During the week we stayed there was a supermoon. It was also Cinco de Mayo. We decided the best place to be was at the top of Cape Perpetua, looking out over 180° view of coastline, watching ships pass the setting sun, and then the moon rise over the Cascades. It was a stunning view. I only wish I could have captured it clearer to share with you. I hope you saw it from where you were.


My program is great. Mostly I have teachers who really seem to love what they do, to have an investment in Osteopathy and what it is meant to be. They have differing perspectives and a variety of teaching styles, but for the most part they all sound really interested in the future of the profession and creating thinking practitioners who are individuals, practicing according to a strong set of personal values and beliefs, rather than a short list of dogma.

This is only the second week after all.

Soon we’ll get deep into theory, philosophy, and practicals. The parts we’ve touched on so far have given me a lot of hope though. This program appeals to me just as much now as it did in theory.

More updates soon, once I have a better idea of what we’re doing. Thanks for reading my blog. It makes me feel connected in a unique way that I cherish.